Sunday, February 8, 2009

Luke's Book Club Pick


I love my Duckling
....he makes funny,
squawking quacks.

I love my Duckling
...he waddles from side
to side on dear, little
orange feet.

He has soft, yellow feathers
that he fluffs up
and shakes dry.

I love my Duckling
...he chases the frogs and
splashes in the pond.

He likes to eat the
bread I give him
and follows me for more.

I love my Duckling
...he turns upside down
in the water
and wiggles his tail at me.

Duckling has a bug, orange beak
and such a cheeky grin

I love my Duckling
..he plays hide and seek in the reeds
but he always quacks
so I can find him.

I love my Duckling most of all because.....
....he is so very little, just like me.