Saturday, March 28, 2009

New Project in Progress

Well since I am unable to continue my BIG 2009 Major project (secret) until I am recovered completely from my surgery, I HAVE A NEW PROJECT. I watched this show that reported that data storage methods change on an average of every FIVE (5) years. YIKES!!! I don't want to end up with all these different forms of storage for my photos like I have for my Videos (VHS, Small VHS, DVD, DISKS) It's crazy I don't even know how I am going to get that under control. Sooooo, I downloaded all my Photos from my OLD computer to my Laptop. Then I sorted, deleting, downloading printable photos to Shutterfly and generally CLEANED UP the Photo Nightmare I had created. In addition to this I am going through Photos and sorting, throwing away, giving away and whatever it takes to get this under control. This week I am having a POWER CROP and putting all these on 12 X 12 Sheets to be placed in Albums later. Note to Self HERE (Only buying TOP LOADER ALBUMS AT THE SCRAPBOOK CONVENTION IN JUNE.) Also I guess I should stock up on Adhesives. EVERYONE, please let me know if you see a sale on Adhesives at (Hobby Lobby, Michael's. JoAnn's, etc.) Picture is of my Completion of the sorting process for pictures already processed. I KNOW it looks bad but it really isn't. Some of the envelopes only have a few pictures of a one time Event. (example: 2 or 4 pictures) Why do all this WORK. Well, when my kids are OLD and Senile they can look at the Albums and "SAY" like a friend of mine put it "SEE, I WAS SO CUTE BACK IN THE DAY."