Thursday, June 11, 2009












Also was tagged for this 8 THINGS THING.

Here goes...

8 Things I'm Looking Forward to...

1. Finishing my 2009 Secret Project!
2. The Fireworks on July 4th.
3. Dinner with my Girlfriends.
4. Getting my HAIR Highlighted on June 18th.
6. Talking to Andrea about the Movie Theater Photo Shoot and seeing the photos.
7. Going to see the next musical "The Wizard of Oz" next week.
8. Volunteering for Adventure Week at Fellowship.

8 Things I did today...

1. Drove to Work 7:00 AM /No Power/Drove Home 10:00 AM.
2. Got a Mani and Pedi with Tina.
3. Delivered some Graduation Gifts($$$)
4. Picked up some random trash after the storm on my Patio and around my building.
5. Made Thai Chicken for dinner.
6. Checked in on a Disabled Friend.
7. Took Buddy for a Walk.
8. Kissed a Frog....just kidding.

8 Things I wish I could do...

1. Eat Ice Cream and not gain weight.
2. Go to a Spa once a month.
3. Play a better game of Golf.
4. Travel to Spain.
5. Figure out Electronic Stuff without help.
6. Go on a Cruise to Alaska.
7. Scrapbook everyday.
8. Take Luke and Hannah to the Zoo.

8 Shows I watch...

1. Survivor
2. 48 Hours
3. America's Next Top Model
4. Sunday Morning
5. World News with Charlie Gibson who "HOPES YOU HAD A GOOD DAY."
6. Reruns of The Andy Griffith Show
7. Dateline
8. Super Nanny

8 People I Tag...

1. Veronica
2. Gail
3. Nancy
4. Lea
5. Vicki
6. Cheryl
7. Paula (she won't do it)
8. Wilma


The Waters Family said...

sorry I haven't been on here in awhile-- Loved your 8 things-- I like America's Next Top Model but only in the marathon show watching form- like when it's on VH1 all day episode after episode!!